
Abound & Flourish, What's in a Name?

Our website got a little pick me up with an updated logo. When I was naming the practice, I didn’t want it to be my name (website domain is different for simplicity’s sake) because counseling isn’t about me. It’s about the client and their personal growth. As verbs the difference between abound and flourish is that abound is to be full to overflowing while flourish is to thrive or grow well. This is what I want your experience to be as you dive into the therapeutic work that awaits you. I hope that you would find yourself overflowing with gratitude, joy, understanding, acceptance and compassion for self and others. I hope that taking these gifts with you, you would continue to grow well even after you leave my office.

[As I consulted with Erica Dang on the logo she created, here is her process that I wanted to share:

- When I think of the word "abound", I think of being plentiful, full. I can't help but think of a thicker font for this word.

- The bolder font also alludes to stability, which you mentioned you want your clients to feel when they visit you.

- "Flourish" is a whimsical word, that most people can't help but think of growing. It takes good (thick strokes) and difficult (thin strokes) experiences to truly grow. The calligraphic approach you'll see in one of the options shows that those thick and thin strokes creates a beautiful picture when we look back on our lives.

I so value collaborating with professionals in different spheres because their gifts and talents help communicate and contribute more than I can on my own.]
