Finding strength in imperfection. My sister introduced me to the traditional Japanese art form of Kintsugi, meaning to join with gold. She and I participated in a workshop that made me think of this year/life and how we end a year that had broken pieces and begin anew by reassembling the shattered pieces. The process of repairing a vessel examines our relationship with fracture and imperfections…I think we can be ashamed by scars and flaws but what if we approach them with compassion and humility for what was gained and learned.
But what if we shift our perspective on what it means to be whole? Instead of disguising, discarding, or replacing the cracks in life, we actually highlight them with gold and draw attention to our imperfections. We need not be ashamed. We can display our humanness with beauty, grace, strength and gratitude. My friend Sarah says to “look for the gold” and I think that sums it up nicely.