To Each Their Own

Therapy is a unique relationship. Meaning it is about you and for you. I collaborate with you. I’m not the focus. I don’t direct. I walk alongside. I may guide for a bit. But you do the work. You’re in my office for 50 minutes each week. You are out in the world for the remaining (however many) minutes (I don’t care to do the math.).

Sometimes your work on the outside means:

-Clinging tight to the truth of who you are when it’s hard to believe.

-Holding on to hope and believing you will heal.

-Releasing yourself from old patterns.

-Surrender to the reality you cannot change others but you can change yourself.

-Developing and keeping healthy boundaries (knowing where you begin and end and where another begins and ends, separating yourself from unsafe and toxic people).

-Tearing down walls that prevent intimacy and being seen and known.

What is the work you’re doing? Might I be able to join you?